love using Lumenoks not only while hunting but also while practicing at the
bags. There is no better way to track
arrow flight then by being able to fully watch your arrow lit up as it leaves
your bow. With the Lumenok, you can
check for flight patterns to fix any sort of problems or catch them when
needed. It may help you catch a bad
arrow, check for rest problems, notice fletching issues, or discover any sort
of tuning issues you might be having.
Once you solve these problems, you are confident in your equipment and
your arrow, and ultimately confident in your shot.
There is no greater feeling than being
confident in your shot and in your arrow, especially when you have that trophy
right in front of you and you’re about to shoot, and actually watch where your
arrow hits. The Lumenok is a great
product, both on the course practicing and shooting and in the field hunting.