While I agree with
Mr. Roosevelt that shooting well is the highest kind of skill I do not believe
it is a difficult art to learn. If the
basics are learned correctly and applied consistently the majority of
individuals will become capable shooters.
This is demonstrated, by both male and female Marines, on a regular
basis in Marine Corps boot camp. For
many years the record for boot camp qualification score was held by a female
Marine, Private Anita Lobos.
BREATH- You wouldn’t think this is as difficult as it proves for most
of us, yet it is one of the most overlooked aspects of the shot process. The natural action of taking in oxygen can
make the difference between meat on the table and a trophy on the wall or a long
walk for nothing but fresh air and frustration.
Frequently shooters will over-hold their breath until they are literally
blue in the face, depleting the body and muscles of oxygen. This causes you to shake and creating wild
inaccuracy. On the other extreme shooters
will become so excited they hyperventilate, commonly known as “Buck
Fever”. Breath naturally, don’t
overthink it. Most shooters go through a
phase of overanalysis of all aspects of their shooting technique. This can lead them to attempt strange
breathing patterns. In my experience the
most effective pattern is simply to breath in naturally and slowly exhale,
until the sight is properly aligned with the target. At this point simply relax, aim
in, stop exhaling and squeeze the trigger.
By using proper breath control you can control the rise and fall of the
sight. This can be practiced at home,
ensure your firearm is unloaded, point in a safe direction with a proper
backstop (just in case) and practice breath control. Observe the movement of the weapon sights as
you inhale and exhale.
RELAX- Again you wouldn’t think this is difficult, but for some
reason many shooters become tense when they are shooting. As the body tenses
the muscles become rigid and inflexible, movement becomes jerky rather than
fluid. This can create a tendency to
hurry the shot. Perhaps it is
anticipation of the noise or recoil.
Perhaps they are worried about missing the shot rather than concentating
on making the shot. Relaxation and
breath control are interrelated. Proper
breathing technique helps the body and muscles relax. Relaxation minimizes distractions and
increases focus. Proper shooting
technique includes a firm but relaxed grip on the firearm. Don’t white knuckle the weapon, overgripping
will cause you to shake, affecting the rest of the shot sequence. A technique I have found to be highly
effective is closing my eyes and visualizing the shot sequence from start to
finish. It helps relax my body and clear
my mind. At times the shooter will be in
position too long. It is necessary to
let the muzzle come down and rest, then restart the shot sequence. This is one of the hardest things for all
shooters to do, but better to start over than hurry the shot, causing a miss. With consistent practice it is possible to
develop a relaxed rhythm which will lead to greater accuracy.
Frequently shooters suffer from a lack of understanding of the proper use of
the sight system on their weapon. They
don’t understand or have misconceptions about proper sight alignment/sight
picture, natural point of aim. To be an
effective shooter you must understand the proper alignment of the rear sight,
the front sight, and the placement of the sights on the target. When using iron sights you should focus on
the front sight. It should be a clear
distinct image. The rear sight and the
target should be fuzzy or indistinct compared to the front sight. To establish your natural point of aim you
should aim in relax and close your eyes, when you open them the sights will be
at your natural point of aim. Adjust
your body position until you line the sights up correctly on your target.
This is simply a momentary pause before the trigger is pulled and the round is
fired. This is when all the elements
come together. Exhaling is momentarily
paused, the muscles are relaxed, the sights are properly aligned with the
target... STOP. Stop all breathing,
muscle and sight movement and squeeze the trigger. The body is at its stillest point, ensuring
greatest accuracy. This moment only
lasts a second or two before fatigue sets in.
This is one of the most difficult shooting skills to learn and must be
practiced over and over, literally thousands of times to create muscle
memory. It should become a consistent,
subconcious act.
SQUEEZE-The trigger of the firearm should never be jerked or pulled, it
should be squeezed straight back, firmly but gently. The sound of the shot should be a
surprise. I use the center of the pad of
the index finger, roughly even with the
nail bed of the finger to squeeze the trigger.
It allows me to move the trigger back in the straightest line possible,
minimizing movement of the weapon. Do
not use the joint of the finger as it will cause the weapon to move slightly to
the side during the trigger squeeze, affecting the placement of the shot. As with all other elements of the shot this
movement must be practiced repeatedly to create consistency and muscle memory.
During initial rifle
training the Marines spend a week doing nothing but “Snapping In”. This is simply repetitive non-firing
excercises with the weapon to create muscle memory and proper shooting
technique. Most of us don’t have the
luxury of time to spend snapping in, or a large drill instructor to ensure it
is done correctly, but we can all invest time at the range practicing with our
weapons of choice. You do not need to
put rounds down range to improve your shooting you can just concentrate on
practicing BRASS. Remember the phrase
“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Take
your time learning the proper techniques and speed will come as your technique
develops. The time invested will be
worth it and will be reflected in your use of the Queen of weapons.